A-Hole of the Decade: LAPD’s Charlie Beck

Charles C. W. Cooke — National Review
The Los Angeles Times reports that the city’s police chief is backing a special driver’s license for illegal [aliens]:Two culeros

Wading into a politically charged debate, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck [shown at left with equally despicable Tony Villar, aka ‘MEChA Boy’ Villaraigosa] said California should issue driver’s licenses to illegal [aliens]. — The chief becomes one of the most prominent local figures to support the idea and his stance is certain to further inflame critics who are already angry at Beck’s efforts to liberalize the rules on how his officers impound the cars of unlicensed drivers. — “My personal belief is that they should be able to” have licenses, Beck said in response to a question during a meeting with Times’ reporters and editorial writers. “The reality is that all the things that we’ve done – ‘we’ being the state of California – over the last 14, 16 years have not reduced the problem one iota, haven’t reduced [illegal] aliens driving without licenses. So we have to look at what we’re doing. When something doesn’t work over and over and over again, my view is that you should reexamine it to see if there is another way that makes more sense.”

Read more about this blithering idiot Beck…

Bombastic self-proclaimed ‘faggot’ wants to endanger ALL Americans

Dave Gibson — The Examiner"Faggot"
On Saturday, California Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) held a press conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral to announce he is sponsoring legislation to counter the federal Secure Communities program, which requires local law jails to share the fingerprint data of all arrestees with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). — Many illegal alien advocacy groups are complaining that the federal program has resulted in too many deportations. — Ammiano said: “States have their own ways of fighting back. We can’t stand by and let innocent people, food vendors, etc., be caught up in sweeps, assume they’re guilty of some violent offense and then deport them and separate them from their families. — The legislation, known as AB 1081 will be introduced in the spring… Read More

  • Note: This Ammiano jackass once shouted the following at then governor Arnold Schwarzenegger when he made an appearance at a Democrat soiree in 2009: “Kiss my faggot ass

Psychopathic invader gets up to 29 years in prison

Queens (NY) ChronicleVicious Chinaman
It’s hardly a death sentence, but the man who killed a Flushing woman and then tore out her heart and a lung was sentenced last week to up to 29 years in prison. — Huang Chen, 49, did not respond when Queens Supreme Court Justice Richard Buchter asked him if he had anything to say on Dec. 21. But the judge was not as reticent. — “The victim was left at the mercy of a raging psychopath, a monster who had no business being in our state, in our county, in our country,” Buchter said, blaming the justice system for not doing its job. — Last month, Chen, an [illegal] Chinese immigrant from Shanghai, pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter… Read More

Gov. Deval Patrick dangerous and crazy as a peach orchard boar

Dave Gibson — The Examiner
On Friday, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick (the radical left-wing lunatic shown at right) said that while the dragging death of a 23-year-old Milford man was tragic, the fact that the man accused of killing him is an illegal alien with a long arrest record is immaterial. — Gov. Patrick told reporters: “It’s a terrible, terrible tragedy.’’ But, he insisted, “Illegal immigration didn’t kill this person. A drunk driver killed this person, and we have laws about that. And I expect the book to be thrown at this person.’’ — Last weekend, Milford police arrested Nicholas Dutan Guaman, 34, after he allegedly struck and killed a man on a motorcycle… Read More

Deranged invader says he doesn’t blame wife for murdering son

CBS NewsDeport Invaders Now!
Orange, Calif. — The husband of a woman accused of tossing her disabled 7-month-old son off the fourth story of a hospital parking structure said Wednesday that his wife suffered from postpartum depression and he doesn’t blame her for her actions. — The baby, Noe Medina Jr., died of his injuries earlier in the day at the University of California, Irvine, Medical Center, the same day that his mother was charged with murder and felony child abuse. — Sonia Hermosillo, 31, made a brief court appearance but did not enter a plea. She is due back in court Thursday. — Prosecutors allege that Hermosillo removed a helmet that her son wore for a medical condition before tossing him from the parking structure at Children’s Hospital of Orange County… Read More

Nauseating open-borders gang labels Pearce, Paul, King ‘extremist’

Raw Story
The Southern Poverty Law Center included Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky in a list of “extreme right-wing” candidates in its latest Intelligence Report. — The civil rights organization labeled Paul as an extremist because he said that private businesses should not have to follow the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and has criticized the Fair Housing Act. — The freshman senator has also warned that the United Nations would force the U.S. to “CONFISCATE and DESTROY” all “unauthorized” civilian firearms and wants to build a massive, highly-guarded wall along the Mexican border. — The Southern Poverty Law Center also included U.S. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) and Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce (R) on the list of extremists… Read More

Corrupt Obama Regime reaches out to Muslim Brotherhood

Global Post — Boston
Cairo, Egypt — The U.S. government announced today it was opening a dialogue with Islamist political parties amid sweeping changes brought on by the Arab Spring and announced it was seeking “limited contacts” with members of Egypt’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood. — Secretary of State [and huge Saul Alinsky lover] Hillary Clinton, who recently visited Egypt, said, “It is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful and committed to nonviolence. We welcome therefore dialogue with those Muslim Brotherhood members who wish to talk with us.” Read More

Is it not treason?

LaRouche PACWorld's Worst Scumbag
The argument presented by Senator John Kerry, in defense of President Barack Obama’s guilty violation of the Federal Constitution is, in itself, beyond all reason. The argument which the Senator presented in defense of his own shocking, utterly incompetent argument, has been one of the most disgusting pieces of sophistry on record. The question is, was that Senator blackmailed in some fashion? Certainly, submission to blackmail gives neither the Senator nor the Senate exculpatory credit. Clear and plain evidence by the errant President himself might be explained by death threats against the Senator. Since the culpability of the President himself is so clear, and so clearly proximate to treason on behalf of the British monarchy against our United States, the lack of credible explanations offered by Senator Kerry, is most troubling for those among us who had remembered him as being neither a traitor nor a fool. The President had violated the law, and that with the most flagrant shamelessness. This fact raises the question: “Is this President, whose popular support is being that of a decimated minority, willing to lie his way into a coup d’etat conducted in British interest as a betrayal of our United States to a foreign tyrant?” Read More 

Open-borders- zealots urge Congress to investigate Border Patrol

Los Angeles Times
San Diego — A coalition of [illegal alien] and human rights groups Friday urged Congress to investigate the Border Patrol’s use of deadly force against rock throwers along the U.S.-Mexico border, saying the frequency of such confrontations is disturbing and inhumane. — The request came three days after an agent in San Diego fatally shot a 40-year-old Tijuana man suspected of injuring an agent by throwing rocks and a nail-studded wooden board. — Such incidents typically lead to demands for congressional scrutiny, but Congress in recent years has not taken up the issue. The letter, addressed to congressional committees, was signed by 65 national and regional groups, including the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties and Amnesty International… Read More

Note: The open-borders crowd must think that border-hoppers throw pebbles, not heavy jagged rocks. WRONG!

Usual knuckle-draggers ticked off at Pinal County Sheriff

Miguel Perez (“Chicano” Supremacist) — The ExaminerMierda Watch
Sheriff Paul Babeu said the Obama administration’s decision to extend the deployment of 1,200 U.S. National Guard troops along the U.S. border with Mexico until Sept. 30 is “pandering” and that those numbers “fall far short” of what military power is needed to keep the country safe. Phoenix Latino civil rights group say this statement is wrong. — Jorge Serrano of Take Back Aztlán says that the southern border is safer than ever and that Sheriff Babeu is just trying to stop Latinos from coming to the United States. “Arizona is part of the Latino homeland of Aztlán, which was stolen by the United States. I could understand trying to stop crime, but Sheriff Babeu is doing this for racist reasons.” Read More (Barf Bag Recommended)