Notorious radical ethnic pimps want Phil Kent off immigration panel — Atlanta
Georgia’s immigration enforcemenNo Whiners!t review board is off to a controversial start, even before its first meeting. The board has seven members – all white and all male. — The Anti-Defamation League has called upon Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal to remove newspaper editor and columnist Phil Kent from the board. — Kent’s critics say his history of staunchly opinionated columns and articles regarding race and multi-culturalism should be enough to keep him off of the panel. Bill Nigut of the Anti-Defamation League insists Kent should be removed… Read More


Another lying Mexican open-borders zealot exposed as fraud

San Francisco Chronicle
When Rep. Hilda Solis inserted remarks in the Congressional Record praising Los Angeles activist John Pérez as “an asset to the labor movement,” she was recounting the life story of a man who would later become California’s Assembly speaker. — “After graduating from the University of California Berkeley, John began working on designing and organizing education programs,” Solis, then a Los Angeles congresswoman and now U.S. secretary of labor, wrote in 2004… Read More

Saudi national charged with hate crime in Florida

Dave Gibson — The Examiner
On Monday, police in Palm Bay responded to an incident at the Walmart and arrested Nuha Mohammed Al-Doaifi, 21, after she allegedly spat on multiple people. — One of those folks was Terry Rakowski, 39, who tried to tell Al-Doafi she was using the wrong door. Instead of thanking her, the woman in the pink burqa turned and spat in her face. — “She just spit all over me. All I was trying to do was tell her she was coming in through the out door. She was just ramming it into the door. She then looked at me and said, ‘Yes I did,’ then walked off. … This really bothered me last night. You just don’t know what she might be capable of,” Rakowski said. Read More

Deputies break up cockfight in San Gabriel Valley

Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies broke up a large-scale cockfight in the backyard of a Valinda home Saturday, discovering more than 40 live fighting birds and arresting four alleged spectators as about 100 people managed to flee. — Deputies found at least 11 dead roosters and two more with sharp metal spurs lashed to their legs still fighting when they arrived at the home shortly after 10:20 a.m., said sheriff’s Sgt. Tom Wilson. The two birds were “gasping for their last breath” and were so badly injured that they will have to be euthanized, he said… Read More

“Family values” don’t stop at the Rio Grande?

Macon (Ga.) Telegraph
Perry, Ga. — A woman accused of strangling her newborn in a public restroom at Houston Medical Center in 2009 pleaded guilty Tuesday to voluntary manslaughter in Houston County Superior Court. — Maria Isabel Torres-Baez, 24, of Guatemala, was sentenced to seven years in a state Department of Corrections facility before she is expected to be deported on a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement hold. — She was given credit for time served, having been jailed in Houston County since the Oct. 1, 2009, incident. She was indicted in 2009 on charges of murder, felony murder and aggravated assault… Read More

Violent clash at Queens Sikh temple

New York Post

A holy war erupted yesterday at a Sikh temple in Queens — where worshippers wielding swords and cricket bats interrupted a prayer session to attack their rivals in a vicious power struggle, police and witnesses said. — Rival factions at the Baba Makhan Shah Lobana Sikh Center in South Richmond Hill have been bickering for months over control, authorities and members said… Read More

Hindus find a Ganges in Queens, to park rangers’ dismay

New York Times
…As the Hindu population has grown in Queens over the last decade, so too has the amount of ritual debris — clothing, statues, even cremation ashes — lining the banks of the bay in Gateway National Recreation Area. — “We call it [Jamaica Bay] the Ganges,” one pilgrim, Madan Padarat, said as he finished his prayers. “She takes away your sickness, your pain, your suffering.”  Read More 

Uncivilized Muslim immigrant imprisoned for murdering daughter

Jim Kouri, CPP — The Examiner
An Iraqi immigrant living in Phoenix, Arizona, was sentenced Friday to more than 30 years in prison for murdering his 20-year-old daughter because he believed she’d become too Westernized. — A Maricopa County jury found Faleh Hassan Almaleki guilty of second-degree murder in connection with the death of Noor Almaleki as a result of the “honor killing.” Read More 

Black, Latino students square off at San Bernardino’s Cajon High School

San Bernardino County (Calif.) Sun
Black and Latino students clashed Friday at Cajon High School. — Officials confirmed there was one incident during lunchtime, where one student was struck. — The unrest continued after school when 45 to 50 black and Latino students squared off, said Linda Bardere, spokeswoman for the San Bernardino City Unified School District… Read More